KC Softwares ApHeMo v2.4.0.14 英文正式版(Apache HTTP服務程式之運行狀況監測與分析軟體) 安裝序號:
check crack\serial.txt 內容說明:
KC Softwares ApHeMo是一款對著名的Apache HTTP服務程式之運行狀況監測與分析軟體。能
夠為網管提供諸多的幫助功能。 英文說明:
ApHeMo is a Health Monitoring analyser
for the famous Apache HTTP Server. ApHeMo
makes administrators able to improve
security, reliability and to easily
detect attacks from hackers (scans,
potential backdoors...)
ApHeMo features ...
Automatic log downloading from remote FTP
or local server
Automatic log analysis
Error validation (after investiguation,
spurious alert, known bug...)
Autofilter to remove spurious alerts
Attackers IP address detection for
backtrace or correlation
One-click WhoIs? for intruder
International support
And much more ! 相關商品: